Anthony Lam ( 林智遠 )

“I started learning Chinese Opera in 2012 when I was 10. …. I am planning to save up this skill so I can become a Chinese opera legend. I will promote childrens’ Chinese opera by performing all over the world.”
Tiffany Lai ( 黎芊盈 )

“I started learning Chinese Opera in 2012 when I was 11. … The two biggest challenges that I had to learn to overcome was teamwork & singing … My favorite part is the performing arts …. I love going on stage to show an audience all my hard work. “
Jaslyne Tam ( 譚蔚寧 )

“I started learning Chinese Opera in 2012 when I was 6. …. I think it will be fun, interesting and a good experience.”
Emily La ( 羅嘉欣 )

I started learning Chinese Opera in 2013 when I was 9. … I like it when you do the costume and perform. It is also fun. “
Carissa Yu ( 余采嵐 )

“ I started learning Chinese Opera in 2013 when I was 6. … I like the music and the makeup.”
Langie Tsang ( 曾姸 )

“ I started learning Chinese Opera in 2013 when I was 6. … Hello my name is Langie and I am 7 years old. I have been in Cantonese Opera for 9 months. My favorite song is peony pavilion-The Enhancing Garden. My favorite part to do at Cantonese opera is playing ‘watersleeves’ and flappy birdy. I like to play with my classmates. I like to talk to my masters too. I had so so so so much fun learning. All my classmates are my best best friends “
Angeline Nim ( 嚴心宜 )

“I started learning Chinese Opera in 2014 when I was 10. … I think it is fun and I wanted to. I also think it is a very good experience.”
Jadon Nim ( 嚴頂立 )

“ I started learning Chinese Opera in 2014 when I was 8. … I joined because I wanted to learn a new experiment.”
Rachel Teng ( 鄧喬甄 )

“I started learning Chinese Opera in 2014 when I was 7. … I like to be in TV because it is fun.”